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La Plaza de España

The Plaza de España was inaugurated on April 23, 2013, the feast day of Saint George Martyr. The square has a square shape, covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 m2. From it, you can access the municipal building on an upper level and an underground parking with 270 free spaces. In the square, the Monument to the Coronation of the Virgin of Miracles by Pope John Paul II holds special significance. The 8 large palm trees, the pots of daisies and geraniums that top the railings, the lawn, and the rest of the ornamental plants that are part of the square’s landscaping enhance the porticoed gallery at the entrance to the building. Much of the facade of the property, with traditional Andalusian architecture, and the balconied facade, is made of brick with the balcony arches adorned with ceramic tile. The colorful tile has allegorical representations of the city’s history. Among the arches of the facade, a series of plaques dedicated to illustrious citizens of Palos are placed.
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