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Baby Voucher

Parents residing in the locality, of Spanish nationality or foreigners with legal residence in Spain, who have been registered in Palos de la Frontera for at least 5 years (cumulative), and who have been residing in our municipality during the last year, may benefit from this measure.

The newborn or adopted child must reside with the parent or legal guardian applying for the assistance.

The amount of this assistance is €1,200 or €1,500 in the case of a Large Family, which can be spent at any store in our town for the purchase of products and equipment to meet the needs of the newborn or adopted child. In the case of multiple births, the beneficiary will receive a Baby Voucher of the same value for each child.

You can download the application form from the following link.

Once completed, you must go to the Social Services offices. Together with the application, you must provide:

  • Photocopy of the parents’ ID/NIE
  • Certificate of Cohabitation
  • Family Book / Adoption Resolution
  • Large Family Certificate


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